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面试进行中:投行技术面试(3 / 6)


Johnny继续绷着脸问问题:“It is good that you realize that before you start working. What are the other assumptions?(在开始工作之前就意识到这一点很好。其他假设是什么)”

晓兮答道:“There are five other assumptions. First, the risk free rate is constant. Second, the stock price follows geometric Brownian motions with constant drift and volatility.(还有其他五个假设。首先,无风险利率是恒定的。其次,股票价格遵循具有恒定漂移和波动性的几何布朗运动)”

还没等晓兮说完,Johnny就打断了她:“All right. You don’t need to say the rest. I understand you know them all. Now let us assume that it is okay to use the Black-Scholes formula. Can you calculate the option price now?(好的。你不需要说剩下的。我知道你知道所有的假设。现在让我们假设可以使用 Black-Scholes公式。你能计算出期权价格吗)”


Johnny面无表情,但是语气严厉:“You must have taken your calculus class. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to calculate that.(你一定上过微积分课。别告诉我你不知道怎么计算)”

晓兮脑海中出现的方法只有泰勒级数,于是她就开始套公式开始算。当她把d1算出来时,Johnny突然说道:“You can stop here. I have got an idea of you math skill. Let us move on to the next question. Can you explain to me what is delta?(你可以在这里停下来。我对你的数学能力已经了解啦。让我们继续下一个问题。你能给我解释一下什么是delta吗)”

这个晓兮当然知道:“Delta measures the sensitivity of the option price to the changes in the underlying stock prices. For example, if a call option’s delta is 0.4, it means if the underlying stock price increases by 1, the options prices will increase by 0.4.(Delta衡量期权价格对标的股票价格变化的敏感度。例如,如果看涨期权的 delta为 0.4,则意味着如果标的股票价格上涨 1元,则期权价格将上涨 0.4元。)”

Johnny还是一贯的紧追不舍:“why do I bother with delta? Why do I need it?(为什么我需要delta)”

晓兮答道:“If you have an option and want to hedge it, delta tells you how many shares of stock you need.(如果您有期权并想对其进行对冲,delta会告诉您需要多少股股票)”

Johnny继续问道:“Can you estimate the delta of the index option I specified just now?(你能估算一下我刚才说的指数期权的delta吗)”

晓兮答道:“Delta is N(d1). N(d1) is N(-0.933). We know that 1 standard deviation covers 68%. So N(-1) is about 1 minus 0.68 divided by 2. It is 0

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